Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sidelines Revisited - Sept. 13, 2008

Another Alabama game on pay per view tonight. Let me see, $29 to watch at home, cook my food and serve myself. Or $34 to watch at Sidelines with others, eat a meal that is served to me (by a cute waitress named Jennifer), and have the food at home tomorrow. I went to Sidelines.

The manager came over and said hello. Phyllis asked him if he took much grief for wearing his University of Michigan polo shirt. He does take some, depending on what games are on. Everyone who works there displays their allegiance through the jersey they wear.

The crew was about the same as last time we visited. Our server was Jennifer, who was attentive, attractive and friendly.

At the bar sat the diverse blend of patrons. From aging biker dudes to young men and women dressed to party. The beautiful thing is that nobody seemed to mind who they sat next to.

The food was great, the service just right, and the atmosphere fun.

I no longer think I've found my new sports viewing hangout. I am going to fight to make it just that.
Sidelines Grille on Urbanspoon

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