After taking mother to the doctor, I had some time to kill before work, so I stopped in to Cuppy's for a visit.
As soon as I entered, Alanna smiled and called out my name. Is that not the kind of hello you want at any establishment? Abby (our lady of rainbows and lollipops) was there, smiled and asked me what I'd have. I ordered my scone and coke. As I paid, I saw the tip cup with a sign that said "Instant Karma". I tossed my change in, and told Abby I liked the sign. When Abby told me she made it up, I asked "the sign or the song?".
To my dismay, I was having a difficult time getting Abby to recognize that great song. There was a gentleman at a table near me. He was working on his laptop, and turned it toward Abby, and with the press of a key, John Lennon's voice came through the air. "Ohhhhh I know that song!"
A feeling of age and comradery hit me at the same moment. Abby went on telling me of how she loved the Beatles. How her car was named Lucy and her son's favorite movie is Yellow Submarine. I couldn't help but feel old, knowing that I was alive when the Beatles were still recording.
That man at the next table pitched in, saying how great it was that she was teaching her kids about the history and foundation of modern music. We shared with each other our thoughts of early music, and agreed on most things. We introduced ourselves. his name was Will Underwood. He asked me what I did, and I told him of my occupation and my writing. I asked him what he does, and he told me that when he isn't performing, he works for a fence company. When he is performing, he is a hired guitarist for the Georgia Satellites. Perhaps you know the song "Keep Your Hands To Yourself"?
When Will asked me about my writing, I told him about my blog, and how I wrote of experiences. I explained that I enjoy writing about observations. We talked about how important it is to pay attention to people. How sitting in a coffee shop, you can find out a lot about folks. Alanna pitched in, saying that people come to her shop and end up networking. People have come in, and end up in conversations or light debates with perfect strangers. The strangers then become acquaintances, and some become friends.
We talked about how all too often we are thinking about what we are going to say instead of listening to what others are saying. How we've been given two eyes, two ears but only one mouth.
People have a lot to share if we just let them. We may even learn something.
What have I learned (or re-learned)? Quit looking at the floor. Look people in the eyes. Listen. Listen. Listen some more. Smile and respond when spoken to. Say "How are you?". Care what the answer is. Care in general. All you need is love, love is all you need.
Oh, and, Amanda, that guy Will loves you more than breath.
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