Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Gift is in the Giving

Early Christmas week, my daughter Bethany and I drove up the interstate to deliver presents to John (Jamie's son). About halfway there, we stopped to meet Donna, an old friend and wonderful person, who had baked cookies for us to take.

Beth and I drove the rest of the way talking about giving. We had seen some things this Christmas that reminded us of how we should act EVERY day. We hear so much about the few bad apples that the beauty of the season and the positive emotions that it brings to most people gets overshadowed.

I can tell you that my friends touched my heart. One co-worker slipped her cash in my hand when she saw me shopping for John. Another young cashier had heard what was going on as she was headed home. A half hour later she returned with a great present. A woman who saw the transaction asked what was going on, and offered up her prayers as she would not be able to get back to me before I left for Jamie's house. A local person who had read my blog contacted me to let me know that she too had a gift for us to deliver. And it goes on.

When we arrived, Jamie met us at the door. John was right behind him. Jamie invited us in, and as we handed him the gifts, John asked "Are those for us?!?" , and Jamie told him that we had brought him presents. We watched John put the presents under the tree while Jamie told us about their trip to Kentucky to visit his wife's parents. I can't begin to imagine how hard that was.

Jamie asked if we'd like to watch John open his gifts. I said no. We'd rather he opened them on Christmas morning. Jamie's eyes welled up as Beth and I headed out the door.

Years ago, my grandmother had taught me that the gift is in the giving.

If she could have seen the look on Jamie's face and the excitement and love that John expressed, she would have cried and said, "see?".

Thank you, Jamie, for allowing us to receive this gift. May your New Year be blessed with peace.


Just Me said...

Reading this brought tears to my eyes as I pictured Gram smiling and crying, all at the same time, being filled with joy! Thank you for posting this follow up!

shakact said...

The world needs more folks like you! I truely know what it means to have and have not! But nomatter how many have nots I have left...I still try to do my part...As all should do! You're a great person and It's comforting to know that there's still a world of people out there that remembers that the gift of giving is one of the best gifts of all! xox shaka