Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Heart to Serve

Given today's economy, and the shrinking of disposable income coupled with the fear that we may never be able to retire, it has been said that fewer people will be eating out.

You couldn't have made me believe that on Wednesday. I sat in McAlister's and watched the line grow to the sidewalk from the front counter. It was still being replenished when I got up to leave. How could that be, given the current state of the wallet?

Shae is awesome. That is what she'll tell you when you ask her how she is, and she'll say it with a melt butter smile.

The same can be said of Abby, Alanna and Jamie at Cuppy's. Even when they don't think anyone sees, they enjoy their work as well as each others' company. Alanna with her loving spirit, Abby who can't speak without a laugh in her voice, and Jamie with a smile to challenge the sun.

Today, at Cuppy's, it was wall to wall patrons with their friends and laptops.

I will repeat myself when I say that happy employees make for good service. Only a fool will return where he feels unwelcome. If I am a chore to my server, nobody goes home happy.

Employers and employees alike should take note , the line at McAlister's was long because Shae is awesome.


Jeremy said...

All too often this is an overlooked and yet very simple concept in business that winds up costing even the biggest of companies customer (Home Depot anyone?)

Rachel said...

Your very kind to notice and write of these Ladies working at Cuppy's!
What you have described seeing in them, is what I see in you, through your writing!

Thank you!

Just Me said...

I agree with rhae and truthisjustice. Happy employees make happy customers. You certainly have a special way with words and a wonderful outlook on life!